About 2,400 of gallons of diesel fuel was spilled when an Irving Oil truck rolled over on Interstate 295 in Brunswick early Wednesday. The fuel truck loaded with 2,900 gallons of off-road diesel ...
An excavator struck an overpass on southbound Interstate 95 at the 83-mile marker in Henrico County this morning.
According to Florida Highway Patrol's report on the crash, the man and woman were in the same vehicle which "rotated" and ...
A truck fire is blocking two lanes of the Dames Point Bridge going southbound on Interstate 295. Florida Department of ...
JEA said it anticipates reopening the off-ramp in the early morning hours with some asphalt work Thursday morning.
The wreck occurred in Jacksonville at about 4:27 p.m. Wednesday on Interstate 295 northbound approaching the Interstate 10 ...
The wreck occurred at about 4:27 p.m. Wednesday on Interstate 295 northbound approaching the Interstate 10 eastbound ramp, a Florida Highway Patrol news release states. The driver of the car ...
A collapsed wall set back the project, now 12 years old and counting, is expected to be fully repaired this summer.
A traffic collision with injuries was reported Saturday night on Interstate 95 North at the Interstate 295 North onramp. | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this ...
A traffic collision with injuries occurred Monday morning on Interstate 295 North at the West Basin Rd North offramp. | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this ...