Former Nigerien president Mohamed Bazoum and his wife have been detained by Niger's military junta since July 2023, when it ...
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for the immediate release of Mohamed Bazoum and his wife, ...
Le groupe de travail des Nations unies sur la détention arbitraire a appelé, lundi 10 février, à la libération immédiate de ...
Niger is set to hold a national convention to map out its long-awaited political transition following the July 2023 coup that ...
Authorities Should Immediately Release Mohamed Bazoum, Other Political DetaineesNiger's junta has detained former Nigerien president Mohamed Bazoum and his wife at the presidential palace in the ...
Niger is set to hold a national convention from February 15-19 to outline its long-awaited political transition. The junta, ...
L'ONU dénonce la détention "arbitraire" du président nigérien Mohamed Bazoum, séquestré avec son épouse dans sa résidence ...
Bazoum, who was elected in 2021, was overthrown on 26 July 2023 by General Abdourahamane Tiani, the head of his presidential ...
According to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UN WGAD) urged the release of Nigerien former President Mohamed Bazoum and his wife, Hadiza, ...
L’ambassadeur du Bénin près le Niger, Gildas Agonkan, est rappelé à Cotonou. Ce rappel du diplomate intervient quelques jours après des propos tenus par ...
Dans un avis rendu public ce lundi, les Nations unies ont exigé leur libération immédiate et des réparations pour le couple.