The idea of scanning the horizon to see what’s in development and which drugs and other tech might eventually make it to market is not new. However, it’s a key focus of collaborative work ...
San Francisco, California - EarlyBirds, a leading global open innovation ecosystem, is proud to announce that its Cofounder ...
Competition Today is your essential source for global antitrust news. Comprehensive and timely coverage from 99 regulatory sources worldwide. Combining over 10 years of antitrust news expertise ...
This report on Horizon Scanning in Government presents an innovative approach to support governments in dealing with uncertainties and in envisaging and realizing the policies they desire. It outlines ...
A foresight-gathering programme that highlights the most significant global trends of the near future – shaping society, the built environment, and the architectural profession Providing a ten-year ...
Use our horizon scanning tool to stay on top of corporate law changes coming up this year and beyond. Filter by topic, geography or date, and share with colleagues.
Objective Since 2008, the Oxford Diagnostic Horizon Scan Programme has been identifying and summarising evidence on new and emerging diagnostic technologies relevant to primary care. We used these ...
Horizon scanning and demand signalling are key priorities for the Accelerated Access Collaborative and the NHS. The Horizon scanning and demand signalling team works with a range of stakeholders to ...
Linklaters explore four key ESG themes that will have a significant impact on businesses globally in 2024: transition plans and transition finance; sustainability disclosure regimes; human rights and ...
Advances in X-ray, CT and MRI technology will require ever more specialists to interpret results — careful adoption of AI may be part of the solution. Some of Japan’s biggest imaging and ...
To better understand the challenges and opportunities in research and development of medicines for Alzheimer's disease from a regulatory perspective, the EU Innovation Network has released a Horizon ...