OU softball lost plenty of its WCWS-winning squad last season, but Patty Gasso's team is reloaded for another run.
NORMAN — OU softball enters a new era Thursday ... Kinzie Hansen, Nicole May and Alyssa Brito — the core of the Sooners’ title runs of late. In their places is a highly anticipated group ...
Throughout the rest of the infield, there will be new faces to replace Alyssa Brito, Tiare Jennings ... McEnroe-Marinas is ...
Perhaps you've heard Oklahoma is the epicenter for an outbreak, but there's one virus that isn't bad. How we got bitten by ...
A virus is spreading rapidly around Oklahoma, and experts say nowhere ... Jayda Coleman. Alysen Febrey. Alyssa Brito. Jordy Bahl. It's anyone's guess who we’ll add to that list this season.